Rockland Effort to Halt the Salt This Winter

Rockland Effort to Halt the Salt This Winter

M.C. Millman

Rockland County residents are being asked to make an effort to"Halt the Salt" by trying to cut back as much as possible. 

Although tons of salt will be used to make our roads and sidewalks safe, it can make its way into our creeks, lakes, and drinking water supplies when the ice and snow melt. Reducing the amount of salt we use can help diminish the harmful effects of too much salt getting into our waterways.

Some suggestions for reducing salt during the winter include spreading a small amount before an expected snowstorm to help prevent ice buildup. Adding a small amount of water to salt before applying it will cause the salt to stick where you want it to. Additionally, a commercial mix of sodium and calcium chloride is considered more environmentally friendly than salt.  

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