Electrifying Yud Tes Kislev Celebration in Rockland

Electrifying Yud Tes Kislev Celebration in Rockland

Approximately eight hundred men from across the many Monsey communities gathered Monday night at the Atrium Ballroom in Monsey to celebrate Yud Tes Kislev - known to Lubavitcher Chassidim as the Chag Hageulah and "The Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus." 

It was on this day in the year 5559/1798 that the founder of Chabad Chassidism, Rav Schneur Zalman of Liadi, author of the Tanya and the Shulchan Aruch HaRav and known as the "Alter Rebbe," was liberated from his imprisonment in Czarist Russia, after being arrested 53 days earlier. 

This day, however, is more than just a chag hageulah. This was a watershed event in Jewish history, heralding a new era in the revelation of Pinemius Ha'Torah.

The Farbrengen was led by local rabbonim, Rabbi Boruch Leshes, Rov of the Tzemach Tzedek Shul, Rabbi Isser Zalman Wiseberg of Pomona,  and Rabbi Yechiel Krish, who repeated a beautiful Ma'amar Chassidus of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 

The Keynote address was given by Rabbi Mendy Cohen,  Dayan, mechaber seforim, and Shliach of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Sacramento, CA. Rabbi Cohen inspired the crowd and spoke about how this day helps in our commitment to strengthen our Torah study, observance of Mitzvos, as well as remembering our fellow Jews who may need inspiration.

There was a special video presentation where local yungeleit spoke about exciting new activities happening in Rockland County and called on the attendees to strengthen themself in the limud of Nigla and Pinemius Ha'Torah, and to share the warmth of Torah and mitzvos with others.

From the inspiring speeches to soul-stirring niggunim sung by the Acapella Choir, the room was electrified. There was genuine joy felt by those celebrating the Alter Rebbe where his presence was felt in the room! 

The Farbrengen went to the wee hours of the morning, and the crowd departed feeling invigorated and inspired.

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