Wishing Klal Yisroel a Kesiva V’chasimah Tovah

Wishing Klal Yisroel a Kesiva V’chasimah Tovah

By: Rockland Daily Editorial Board 

This year has been the year of the founding of Rockland Daily. 

Since our inception, we have been privileged to earn the trust of the greater Monsey community, and growth beyond what we could have fathomed. 

We have invested an incredible amount of resources into making, as well as our status platform, a news source that is accurate and professional, fast and reliable, and in keeping with the hashkafos and sensibilities of our growing readership and our community at large. 

When we say, “all the news that’s fit to print,” we actually mean it. A story that goes against our values, or would be hurtful to even one person, will never appear on our sites or platforms. 

We feel that our efforts to build on our past successes have borne fruit—if the incredible feedback from our readers is any indication. 

It is at the conclusion of a successful year at our organization that we express our heartfelt gratitude to our readers: Thank you for trusting us. Thank you for reading us. Thank you for making us your source of news and inspiration. 

As we enter a new year, it is with a firm resolve to redouble our efforts at bringing you more and even better content in the coming year. 

And, while the news that we have reported in the past has been about Klal Yisroel’s heroic performance in galus — rising above the obstacles and challenges, spiritual and material— it is our most fervent hope that we soon report, with ecstasy and with joy on the thunderous blast of the Shofar of Moshiach. 

Ah gut gebenched yohr. 


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