Village of Chestnut Ridge Honors Scotland Hill Boys Learning Program Participants

Village of Chestnut Ridge Honors Scotland Hill Boys Learning Program Participants

by M. C. Millman

The Village of Chestnut Ridge honored Scotland Hill Boys Learning Program participants last night. 

Fifteen attendees received certificates of recognition for "unwavering commitment, discipline, and a thirst for knowledge," presented and signed by Village board members.

"It was so heartwarming to see the Scotland Hill Mishnayos Program boys gathered this evening at Village Hall,"  Chestnut Ridge Deputy Mayor Chaim Rose tells Rockland Daily. "It is always a treat to be able to celebrate such a momentous occasion. On behalf of all the constituents and residents of the Village, we salute the boys for a job well done. Keep up the great work."

"Around  Chanukah 578" 1, my Rov, Rabbi Langer Shlit" a, mentioned one Shabbos that it would be nice if there was something constructive for the boys in our neighborhood to do in the evenings; perhaps something similar to the Motzei Shabbos Avos Ubanim learning programs," Village Trustee Shmuli Fromovitz shares with Rockland Daily. "I realized that working remotely due to COVID can give someone the ability to take on challenges that they wouldn't otherwise be able to undertake.

"So I rolled out a nightly Mishnayos learning program starting with Masechta Shabbos with no long-term plan. I figured we would see how it would evolve.

"The first night, there was a total of five boys, including my own two sons. When I got home that night, my younger son said, 'You're a much better Rebbi than you are an accountant.' That's when I knew we were doing something right. Soon we had 15-20 boys coming nightly even after a long tiring day in Yeshiva. We have over 85 perakim under our belts.

"I've gotten calls from other communities for my input on how to kickstart similar programs in their neighborhoods. I always tell people it all begins with a few dedicated adults willing to give some of their personal time to the community. This can lead to unbelievable accomplishments once you get into a routine, and that's when you realize it's not as difficult as before you started… but the key is consistency. By now, more than 40 boys have participated in this program at various stages. Some boys (including my two sons) have moved up to a twice-a-week Gemara shiur for 7th and 8th-grade boys given by Rabbi Duvi Streicher. 

"It was gratifying to see this group of young men that put in so much work to get that far in their limudim," shares Rockland County Legislator Joel Friedman. "Our kids are our future, and with their great teacher and mentor, Trustee Fromovitz, they are definitely going places! We wish them hatzlocho!"

"I was delighted to be invited to attend such a momentous occasion," says Spring Valley Trustee Sruly Eisenbach. "It was especially meaningful to be there to encourage our future generation by recognizing them for their diligent work and strong dedication to complete these studies over a long period of time during their free time. It was especially motivating to know that the  inspirational person behind all of their learning is Village Trustee Shmuli Fromvitz, who does so much for the Chestnut Ridge community in so many ways."

"It is an honor to have our learning group recognized by the Village Board of Trustees for our tremendous accomplishments," Fromovitz concludes, "and it is a privilege to be able to present this honor to the boys on behalf of the Mayor and my fellow Trustees."

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