Town of Ramapo Adopts 2023 Budget With No Increase for Taxpayers

Town of Ramapo Adopts 2023 Budget With No Increase for Taxpayers

The Town Board of the Town of Ramapo voted unanimously last week to approve the 2023 budget with a zero percent increase for taxpayers. 

The 2023 budget features increasing all departmental income through process improvements and rate increases with the objective of reducing taxes wherever possible. The Town will continue obtaining State and Federal grants for critical capital improvements and its track record of maintaining tight expenditure budgets and careful cost reductions resulting from technology and efficiency improvements. The Town of Ramapo will also implement essential public safety and emergency preparedness improvements. Consolidate operations where possible to improve the quality of services and reduce costs.

Town of Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht thanked the town board and his staff for their efforts in creating and perfecting the budget.

The supervisor stated that his administration continues in its commitment to financial discipline and transparency, not compromising the services and resources available to our residents. He is pleased to deliver a budget for 2023 that will ensure the continuity and quality of services and resources with no increase in taxes to all residents in the Town of Ramapo.

The Town administration, at the beginning of 2022, completed a rigorous financial turnaround of the Town, transforming a $13.8 million general fund deficit in 2017 to a $2.5 million surplus. With its improved financial health, the Standard and Poor's rating agency raised Ramapo to an A+ rating with a stable outlook. In addition, for the second year running, Ramapo is not on the "financially stressed" list published by the New York State Comptroller's Office. These achievements reflect the Town's commitment to strong financial discipline and fiscal responsibility. 

The zero percent increase is another step towards fiscal responsibility and accountability to taxpayers by the Town Board and the supervisor.

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