Seventh Night of Chanukah Marks Three Years Since Machete Attack in Forshay

Seventh Night of Chanukah Marks Three Years Since Machete Attack in Forshay

By: Yitzy Fried

Three years ago, Motzei Shabbos Chanukah was also the seventh night, just as it is this year. It will forever be associated with the terrible attack that broke the stillness of the Monsey night and the joy of the Yom Tov—but also for the tremendous miracles that occurred that night.

At around 10:00 that motzei Shabbos, chassidim and mispalelim of Rav Chaim Leibish Rottenberg, shlit”a, the Kossoner Rebbe of Forshay, were gathered at the rebbes home to participate in his hadlokas neiros. As the Rebbe was lighting, Grafton Thomas, 38, of Greenwood Lake (near Monsey) walked into the home wielding a machete and began attacking those present.

Two people were critically injured, with Reb Yosef Naiman, z”l, passing away after two months in a coma, and three others were injured less severely. But the miracle of that night was that one of the participants could stun Thomas by throwing a table at him, causing him to flee. In addition, those present in the shul were successfully able to lock the door from the inside, preventing the attacker from entering.

The aforementioned table—which broke into several pieces as a result of the impact—was later transformed into a beautiful table that is used every year at Khal Netzach Yisroel for the menorah lighting, forever commemorating the miracles of that night.

One of the notable moments from that night, a chaotic and painful one for the residents of the area, was that, after things quieted down somewhat, Rav Rottenberg entered the shul and washed for melave Malka.

Because no matter the circumstances and how difficult things sometimes get, we cling fiercely to Hashem, his Torah, and his mitzvos.

This year, the kehillah will once again gather—this time for a gala melave Malka and seudas hoda’ah at the Vilchovitz Hall—to give thanks for the miracles old and new.

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