Rockland Responds: County Executive Ed Day Responds to Taxing Question

Rockland Responds: County Executive Ed Day Responds to Taxing Question

Dear County Executive Ed Day,

I have a taxing question. I read in Rockland Daily about the proposed 2023 County budget. Shortly after, I read about the Proposed 2023 Ramapo budget. Besides those taxes for Rocklanders, there are State taxes, the taxes from my Village, the more minor but costly Finkelstein Library budget vote coming up next Tuesday, and I am sure more besides. Can you please clarify why my tax dollars seem to be going into so many different coffers covering the same locations?

Thank you,


Dear Taxed,

Residents pay Federal, State, and local taxes because they are varying levels of government providing different services and need revenue to fund programs and projects, including road maintenance, police and fire protection, etc.

Ed Day

Rockland County Executive

To have your question sent to a local elected official, email [email protected].

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