New Square Meeting Focuses on Communication and Understanding With Local Law Enforcement

New Square Meeting Focuses on Communication and Understanding With Local Law Enforcement

By M.C. Millman

Yesterday afternoon, the Village of New Square held a meeting that included community leaders and local and state police, including Ramapo Police Chief Martin Reilly and State Police Captain Peter J. Cirigliano.

The meeting addressed concerns about safety as the Village and neighborhood continue to grow. Communication and joint understanding of the Village's unique needs were key points, as well as discussing emergency vehicle use and working together to prevent any situation from spiraling out of control and requiring crisis intervention. |

"Unfortunately, we see a lot of hate crimes in the news," New Square Mayor Izzy Spitzer shares with Rockland Daily, "and incidents where Orthodox Jews are attacked. Baruch Hashem, this has not been our experience in Rockland. By contacting state and local police and establishing communication, we can preempt misunderstandings and continue to feel safe here in Rockland County."

The Village plans on continuing meetings of this type as a matter of routine to maintain continued mutual understanding and to take precautions to avoid hate crimes on an ongoing basis.

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