Kids Cook: Chocolate Twists

Kids Cook: Chocolate Twists

A new twist on summer fun with Kids Cook. 

You will need:

  • Puff pastry sheet
  • Delinut chocolate cream 

Step-by-step instructions:

Step #1: Roll out the dough, making it as large as you can.

Step #2: Cut dough in two and spread Delinut over just one piece of the dough.

Step #3: Take the piece of dough that does not have the Delinut on it and place it on top of the Delinut dough.

Step #4: Start cutting half-inch long strips down from top to bottom

Take each strip and twist it three times, 

Step #5: Place the twists on a 9 x 13 cookie sheet and bake at 350° in a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

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