BONUS Kids Cook: Burning Beis Hamikdush

BONUS Kids Cook: Burning Beis Hamikdush

Allow your Kids Cook to envision the churbon in this creative and all-consuming task appropriate for Tisha B'Av. 

You will need:

  • Wheat square cereal 
  • Red baking chocolate 
  • Yellow baking chocolate 
  • White baking chocolate 

Step #1: Melt all three colors of baking chocolate separately.

Step #2: Spread a thin layer of white baking chocolate onto parchment paper, and make a wall with the wheat square cereal flat on top of the white chocolate.

Step #3: Squeeze a thin strip of white baking chocolate between the wheat squares to help it hold together 

Step #4: Combine some (but not all) of the red and yellow baking chocolate to make orange chocolate. Put all three colors of baking chocolate in separate Ziploc bags and make a small hole in the bottom.

Step #5: Start squeezing out some of each color of the baking chocolate, starting halfway up the"wall" until 3 inches above the wall.

Freeze for 10 minutes on parchment paper.

Remove from the parchment paper and enjoy.

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