BDE: Reb Ephraim Brill, z”l

BDE: Reb Ephraim Brill, z”l

By: Rockland Daily Staff 

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Ephraim Brill, z”l, a pillar of the Pupa chassidus. He was 73 years of age. 

The niftar was born in Williamsburg to his father, Reb Moshe, a chashuve Yid who survived the Holocaust and set about rebuilding his life in Williamsburg. His mother was from the famed Weber family of Pupa.

He raised his family in Williamsburg, together with his tbl”ch, his wife, as part of the Pupa chassidus—and he was zoche to children who are a true credit to his life. During his years in business, and even afterward, Reb Ephraim was known as a serious kove’ah ittim l’Torah, spending many hours a day in serious Torah learning. 

In recent years he moved to Monsey, where a number of his children reside. 

He was niftar Sunday night following an illness, plunging his family, and the Pupa chassidus into mourning. 

The levaya will take place at the Pupa Beis Medrash in Williamsburga at 1:00, and from Beis Medrash Mayanei Hayeshia,  19 Widman Court, at 3:00. 

Yehi Zichro Baruch

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