BDE: Reb Chaim Yosef Linder, z”l

BDE: Reb Chaim Yosef Linder, z”l

YS Gold

We are deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Chaim Yossi Linder, a tireless ba’al chessed, and a man who was deeply beloved by countless people whom he helped, and by thousands more. He was 43 years of age and had suffered an aneurysm a few weeks ago.

The niftar was born in Monsey to ybl”ch, R’ Moshe Elya and Esther Linder, proprietors of a flower shop in Monsey.

To know Reb Chaim Yossi, z”l, was to know a man possessed by a desire for chessed. He assisted countless organizations and was active in many of them, including Bonei Olam, Tanzers, Mekimi, and others. “He was always there to lend a hand, whether by raising many thousands of dollars or by taking an active role in these organizations. Everything with Chaim Yossi was chessed.” said one acquaintance, broken by the news.

The niftar worked in the meat department at KRM for many years and utilized his work for yet more chessed. “He was always available and eager to share recipes and cooking tips, and ideas with everyone. Furthermore, a friend related that this erev Pesach he told him to send a certain needy person into KRM, and that he would personally take care of his bill.

Through his work with the Tantzers, he brought so much joy to countless broken hearts.

As noted, he suffered an aneurysm a few weeks ago in middle of work, and was hospitalized since then.  He returned his neshamah to its maker in the waning hours of Shabbos. All his friends knew he always had a special connection to the seudah of Melave Malka and would light a number of candles for Dovid Hamelech. As he ascends to the Next World, he will surely be conducting a Melave Malka just as he did on this earth.

The news of Chaim Yossi’s passing was greeted with deep sadness and heartbreak by countless friends and admirers who recalled his heart of gold and by the many organizations whom he helped.

The levaya will take place Sunday at 12:00 pm at the Belzer Beis Medrash in Williamsburg, 150 Hooper Street with the kevurah at Har Shalom - 44 Hillside Avenue in Airmont. 

Yehi zichro baruch.

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