BDE: R’ Eliyahu Chaim Zelinger, z”l, a pillar in Monsey community

BDE: R’ Eliyahu Chaim Zelinger, z”l, a pillar in Monsey community

By: Rockland Daily staff 

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mr. Zelinger, a pillar of the Monsey community, confidante of gedolei Yisroel, and lifelong patron of Yeshiva Toras Emes-Kamenitz in Brooklyn. 

The niftar was the son of R’ Leo Zelinger, one of the founders of Yeshiva Toras Emes in Boro Park. Naturally, it's where he sent his children, Eliyahu Chaim, and Rav Yaakov, who later became the Rosh Yeshiva, to the yeshiva. 

Eliyahu Chaim became phenomenally successful in business, manufacturing chairs, and supplying the White House, along with other large companies with furniture. 

Rav Shimon Siegel, a survivor of the prewar Torah world, reestablished the Kamenitzer yeshiva, and merged it with Yeshiva Toras Emes. 

Childless, the Zelingers adopted him as a member of their family, and ever since then, they came to share his passion for the well being of the yeshiva. 

Through his connection with Rabbi Siegel, he became close with Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Eliezer Shach, and the Steipeler, whose seforim he helped publish. 

Throughout his business career, R’ Eliyahu Chaim held a high position on the board of Yeshiva Toras Emes, and took an active role in its operations. 

But this was nothing compared to the role he would take on following the passing of his brother, the Rosh Yeshiva. At a time when most people retire, enjoying the fruits of their decades of labor—he found a new calling, trekking to Flatbush each and every day to lead the yeshivas operations. 

What shocked the yeshiva family, though, was when they learned that for the last two years he was battling - serious case of Leukemia. He would head to Manhattan for treatment, and make his way directly to the yeshiva to work. This, when he was in his eighties. 

“There was nothing he would not do for the well-being of the yeshiva, and to infuse excitement into the Talmidim,” said Rabbi Tillim, Menahel of the yeshiva. “He channeled all of his business experience to the betterment of the yeshiva.” 

The niftar was a fixture in the Agudas Yisroel shul in Monsey, as well as in Rabbi Tendler’s shul, and he was the son-in-law of the legendary Cantor Jacob Rosenbaum. 

He leaves behind a beautiful family of Bnei Torah. 

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