BDE: Mrs. Ela Rivka Eherntahl, A”h, Young Mother

By Y.M. Lowy
We are deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Ela Rivka Eherntahl, she was the wife of R’ Aron Shia Ererntahl and the daughter of R’ Chaim Eliezer Eidlisz.
The Nifter was 26 years old, and a devoted young mother of small children. She recently welcomed her fifth child but, tragically, did not live to experience the joy of seeing the nachas.
Her untimely passing was a shock to all those who knew her.
The Levaya will take place 11:15 at 18 Collins Ave Spring Valley, NY, followed by Kevurah at the Satmar Bais Hachaim in Monroe.
Yehi Zichra Baruch