As Heat Wave Arrives, Utility Company Advises Customers on Smart Usage

As Heat Wave Arrives, Utility Company Advises Customers on Smart Usage

By: Rockland daily staff 

According to weather experts, we are due for an extended period of high temperatures in the coming week. 

This usually results in prolonged usage of air conditioning, at high energy consumption—something that can result in higher bills for customers, while affecting electricity delivery to their neighbors. 

To this end, O&R Utilities, the electricity provider to Rockland County, released a set of recommendations to customers so they can maximize energy usage. 

Among them are cooking and baking during cooler times (so cooling units don’t have to compete with so much heat), closing windows shades to keep the sun out, and ensuring the doors and windows are shut tightly so to keep the hot air out.

Keeping air conditioners off while away from the home, and being mindful of the highest temperature needed to be comfortable are also tips to take into consideration. 

The utility company also warned that the high usage may result in overheating electrical plants, and customers should report outages to the company so they can be addressed.

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