Adar II Vinderkind Will Keep the Children Smiling for Weeks

Adar II Vinderkind Will Keep the Children Smiling for Weeks

YS Gold 

The Vinderkind Adar II edition is now on shelves, and— as thousands of children have come to expect from this stellar publication—it is jam-packed with Purim-themed content which will keep the children laughing all month. 

The USB disk which comes along with the Wunderkind package features two hours of fascinating audio from ehrliche entertainers that are well-known by the children, and will keep them listening over and over. 

Jam-packed content:

Bottle, bottle. 

The journey from the perspective of a bottle of wine which observes the entire Purim celebration. 

The first king: 

A rich chapter in Klal Yisroel’s history when the first king, Shaul Hamelech, was crowned. 


Reb Abba Winkler and Reb Chaim Hersh Glantzer struggle to tell the story of the Fireplace.    

Gragery: Noisemaking with Sender and Shitche

An hours-worth of humor-filled content presented by the legendary Langsam and Feldman, along with a fascinating interview with these legends of heimishe comedy. 

Farshlepte krenk 

Sender and Shitche spend a Shabbos in the dark mountains. Laugh along with these two comics over some fresh cholent. 


Listen to an amusing song that the alarm clock sings together with his strange friends. 

The concealed terrorist 

The legendary storyteller, R’ Matisyahu Green, takes us along on a journey of Purim in Yerushalayim as he trails a concealed terrorist. Will he manage to pull off a terror attack, ch”v? 

V’nohapoch song 

A v’nohapoch song game which the children play in the book while listening to the instructions on the USB. 

The Dream Museum 

A visit to the museum that perpetuates all dreams into one bombastic dream for eternity. 

The Purim Rov 

The incredible work of the Purim Rov every Purim 

And much more…. 

Click here to Subscribe and receive the Vinderkind delivered to your door every month.

Call: 718-517-8310


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